Sunday, April 28, 2013


As of today, I have been retired for two months.  Two whole months.  They have gone by quickly!  

I have sewn - curtains, pillows, little quilts - even opened an Etsy shop named ragpieces.bypope.  So far, it is just for fun - not profit.  I have exercised.  Most days, I walk at least two miles, usually more.  I have read books, mostly chick lit.  I have looked at Pinterest and all of the DIY boards in the world. I have tried many different projects - mostly small things. I have worked in our yard.  I have tried new recipes.  I have snapped pictures with my camera - not "artistic photographs" - just snapshots.  I have dreamed about the small beach house we are planning to build. I have talked with my parents.  I have spent time with my adult children and husband. Our "baby" turned twenty-three.  Our older daughter turned twenty-eight. I have gone to the beach several times.  I considered buying a SUP - stand up paddle board.  That is, until I realized I could not carry a board that is ten feet long and weighs fifty pounds up three flights of stairs.  My husband and I got a new puppy.  What were we thinking???

What will the near future hold?  Our first grandchild is due any day now.  This will be a joyous event!  My husband and I will celebrate our thirtieth anniversary.  I will turn fifty-two.  Hopefully, we will break ground on the small house at the beach we are planning.

What have I not done? Missed going to work.  Missed drama.  Missed taking meds for high blood pressure.
